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Allan MørchDec 20, 20226 min read

A Year of Innovation: AskCody's 2022 Updates and Exciting Plans for 2023

Holidays are here and it's time to wrap up 2022. Thank you for taking part in creating better workplaces all over the world! 

Our engineers and product team worked tirelessly throughout 2021 and the first 6 months of 2022 to roll out the new foundation of AskCody. This means that since summer, we've been launching new features and updates at a tremendous pace.

Starting in May, we rolled out a major infrastructure upgrade changing +200.000 lines of code in our Platform that would give you:

  • A Platform that is second to none when it comes to Reliability, Scalability, Security, and Compliance; Providing the most robust, modern, and available Cloud Platform for Meeting Management based on Microsoft Azure’s unmatched power and global scale.
  • An elevated product experience, taking the first step into a new era of how Meeting Management should be, truly enabling us to take the next steps in delivering our mission: Help Organizations Management Meetings Smarter.

This is what H2 of 2022 looked like:


management portal

We kicked off August with a fresh and vibrant look and feel for the AskCody Management Portal. This was part of a larger update to create better visibility and usability across all AskCody interfaces. Our improved interface has made it possible for users to perform tasks faster while having a better overview.




In September, we made it possible for customers to automatically anonymize visitor data in AskCody Visitors in a simpler, automated way, removing the concern of storing personal data for too long, not complying with GDPR or other privacy legislation. 


Furthermore, AskCody is now fully supporting Japanese as a standard language in the AskCody Platform. 




In October, AskCody support for Microsoft Single Sign-On was released as a new way to login to the AskCody Management Platform. This enabled users to login faster and easier, while providing IT Admins with a secure way to manage users and credentials with the option to apply multi-factor authentication.


The AskCody Outlook Add-ins got an updated facelift in October giving all AskCody users in Outlook and Microsoft 365 a fresh, intuitive, user-friendly, and modern interface.

Our goal was to continue to deliver a consistent and unified experience well known from the AskCody Management Portal online, and to make the booking experience seamless and unified, every time a user is booking meeting rooms and desks, requesting services, and adding visitors inside Outlook.




In November better and more customizable reports became available across AskCody.

Meeting Services, Visitor Management, and Exchange calendars.

This gave Office Admins, Hospitality, Service, and Facility Teams the tools to easily create reports for Service Requests and Meeting Services, Guests and Visitors, or other associated lists of data, and being able to export them into Excel, CSV, or print, making export of data or day-to-day preparations a breeze. 


In-app-purchases kopier

In November, customers also got even more control over managing licenses and subscriptions with In-App purchases allowing Admin users to easily scale their Account adding and controlling licenses at their desired pace, with automated updating the subscription and billing.



Lastly, in November: displays, dashboardsand check-in kiosks got a facelift providing AskCody customers with a new modern theme to be deployed and used in their offices and sites. Customers can now access the updated design by selecting "Default" as their preferred theme in the AskCody Portal across displays, dashboards, and kiosks. 




In December, we made it less time-consuming and error-prone to handle recurring service requests. Now, meeting planners can add & copy identical service requests to your recurring meetings. No more booking individual meetings one by one for your recurring event - instead, we made it straightforward to add multiple similar requests at once. 



Recently, we launched and added data on Visitors and Meeting Services to Insights making it easier to get an overview of how your Reception and Service Providers are performing, and how many guests, check-ins, and how many service requests are being managed across your sites and locations. Check it out now! 


Looking into 2023

2023 is almost here! Looking ahead into January, some reel treats are soon to be launched.

  • The biggest and most important AskCody update since launch - unlocking your Office Admins & Conference Service Managers' full potential with the new Workplace Central


Launching your new Workplace Calendar 

At the beginning of 2023, we will provide the biggest and most important AskCody improvement to date. This update really allows you to unlock the full potential of your Office Admins and Conference Service Managers and take productivity, control, overview and insights to new heights.  

We are delivering a completely new interface to the AskCody Portal (like the one you know from your calendar) showing relevant meeting information in a new designed grid-like overview of all room and desk bookings, giving Office Admins the system to operate their workplace with ease and staying in control.

All relevant meeting information and reservation can be viewed from a single booking grid. From room status to scheduling and delivery of associated services - everyone can be on top of who, what, where, and when. This includes associated services and shared meeting notes empowering facility teams and booking coordinators to collaborate more efficiently, stay ahead of the workday, and have certainty and confidence that everything is in order.  

Office Admins and Conference Service Managers will shine by quickly and effectively solving meeting challenges before they turn into serious issues and last-minute conflicts.

Selected customers are already invited to early access already in late 2022.

  • Improved and redesigned navigation for AskCody


We recently gave AskCody a facelift creating a unified look and feel across our Platform. This means updates to colors, graphics, and text for:

Now, our navigation will get a total makeover. At AskCody we've added a ton of valuable new features to the Platform, and we want to ensure that discovering them is a seamless experience.We are now introducing a new menu structure making it easier to quickly navigate the AskCody Platform. Users can look forward to a modern and intuitive menu highlighting key features in AskCody. Our goal is to effectively guide daily users to perform tasks that will improve the workplace experience across their organizations. 

Completing our summer roll-out

In the early summer, we rolled out a completely redesigned infrastructure and architecture with the promise to leverage this as the springboard to "elevate our product, taking the first step into a new era of how Meeting Management should be, enabling organizations to Manage Meetings Smarter". These many improvements rolled out in H2 are the fruits and benefits of these extensive investments made into the core of AskCody.

All these updates are now standard in all AskCody accounts and Pricing Plans, and we can already see how users and organizations are using these features daily.  The feedback we’ve collected so far shows that all these new features and tools have been highly wanted and have been adopted by users and organizations fast.

We really hope you like it.

But we are of course not stopping here. We're determined to continue to climb, reaching higher. We've made it our job to help you create a better workplace experience. 2023 will be an even better year for meetings.

2023 is going to be even more exciting. With the launch of our new Workplace Calendar module in Q1, we'll share what's next on our radar. 

Happy holidays!


Allan Mørch

CEO & Founder, AskCody. Empowers organizations worldwide in creating better workplace experiences using AskCody.