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Johannes HergaardNov 9, 20224 min read

Customizable and Exportable Reports for Services and Visitors

In this update to AskCody, you are getting better, deeper, and more customizable reports for Meeting Services, Visitor Management, and Exchange calendars. We are adding new reports, improved customization, and easier export to Microsoft Excel.

Get an overview of the improvements made to AskCody reporting helping Office Admins, Conference Services Managers, Hospitality, and Facilities teams to stay ahead of their workday and make day-to-day preparations a breeze. 

Try the Meeting Services reporting for yourself reporting for EU or reporting for US




Master reporting for Meeting Services and Visitor Management

AskCody got a broader built-in set of reports providing information about meetings, service requests, deliveries, production lists, reports for accounting purposes, and export of Exchange calendar resources. The reports can be exported to MS Excel, exported as CSV, printed, or viewed on-screen.

Want to be a reporting expert? We updated our Help Center to let you master reporting in AskCody. 


What are reports in AskCody?

Reports are exports or printouts containing data points in AskCody. This could be a printed checklist to bring when delivering food or beverages for meetings. Reports are typically used in Service Departments, Canteen, Facility, or Hospitality Team to get an overview of today's and tomorrow's Bookings, Service Requests, and Deliveries.

Reports can also be used as a basis for invoicing, cost center management, and financial reporting because all information about the owner and billing account for the ordered items is stated in the report. This includes VAT, Client Matter Number, General Ledger, etc.

All reports provide the opportunity to include Custom Properties and can be exported to CSV or Excel.


Which reports, exports and prints are available in AskCody?

AskCody has multiple different reporting options. Get a complete overview of reporting options - or check the list below. 

  • Services and Catering reports
  • Meeting and Locations lists
  • Delivery and delivery time lists
  • Incoming, Current, Pending, Accepted, Rejected, Readied, Completed, and Cancelled Requests
  • Cost center reports
  • Department reports
  • Accounting reports
  • Production lists (The entire day’s production - can be used as a worksheet for the kitchen)
  • Checklists
  • Delivery lists
  • Room lists
  • Items and Services lists
  • Meeting receipt (same as Production List, but with the entire series of meetings, if the meeting is booked for multiple days)
  • SKU number lists
  • Meeting by type and kind
  • Expenses and total costs
  • Visitors reports
  • Check-in reports
  • Expected groups reports

And so many more…

All Custom Properties and Attributes set up in AskCody can be included in reports, too. Extensive reports in AskCody are fully customizable and adaptable to your needs.

Better Export to Excel

With the extended reporting capabilities of AskCody, you can now export Service Requests and Visitor data to Excel. Making it easy to create reports and lists of service deliveries or expected visitors. All reports can be customized with data points specific to your distinct needs and use cases.

Export Exchange Calendars and Rooms 

As part of improving reporting, we are giving IT Managers and Integration Admins the option to export a full list of your Exchange Calendars and Rooms. This will make it easier and far quicker for IT to align the resources between AskCody and Exchange - and know that all data is configured correctly between your Microsoft environment and AskCody. 


Microsoft-exchange calendar


How does reporting compare to Insights?

AskCody Insights delivers high-level business and workplace analytics to identify meeting rooms that are rarely used or often not occupied to full capacity, allowing Facilities Teams to make data-driven decisions to optimize the entire office space.

Insights show how your workspace performs when it comes to meeting room usage and utilization, giving you an overview to see your office and meeting rooms in full context with all available data about utilization. 

AskCody reporting, on the other hand, is the tool for operational day-to-day tasks. Making it easy for the canteen to quickly print out service deliveries and checklists. Allowing front desk receptions to export an overview of incoming guests and groups for the day. 


Everything can still be exported automatically through our API

We have an API available that lets you export data from AskCody into 3rd party applications like ERP Applications or Accounting Systems. You can extract all data configured in our Platform, including all custom properties. This is used to create automatic data export in connection with the settlement of requested and ordered services so these can be invoiced to the right Department, Cost Center, or Client Matter Number.

Go test it out - if you have not already. Log into your account and start building custom reports.

Learn how to master reporting in AskCody

Along with these updates, we have updated our Help Center to help you master reports. In this new section of our Help Center, you learn how to get started with reporting, and how to master more advanced reports.

Master recording


Johannes Hergaard

Product Manager, AskCody. Writes about human-computer interaction, user experiences, and new advances, helping people in their daily work. Johannes has a background in engineering physiology and has worked with various methods for understanding and evaluating the interaction between people and technology.