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Meeting room - room display
Allan MørchMar 1, 20212 min read

Room Booking Software to Duck Room Sharks & Ghost Meetings

Today more and more companies compete for new employees, not only on salaries or benefits but in the work environment too, to make the employees shine giving them the ability to perform their A-game. In this infographic, we give you an easy way to improve work environment and help your employees stay productive - even improve convenience and their happiness too. 

There's no way around it: conference room scheduling software called Meeting Room Displays with your company branding that helps everyone stay productive are just plain cool. It sends a statement - You are a cool and premium company! And, it creates a better environment and makes people more productive too. 

Here's why: 



Want to learn more? 

There is even more benefits of implementing meeting room displays.    

We prepared 15 ways you can improve productivity, employee happiness, and meeting room efficiency in this eBook. You can find them here:

15 ways meeting room displays improve productivity

The key to a great overall Meeting Room Display solution is to present the right information at the right time and place - for visitors and employees alike. Especially when visitors have to find the right meeting or employees have to find an empty conference room.  

But meeting room displays, meeting room screens or signs, aren't all alike. They have to be flexible and provide different benefits depending on the place and context of the information that is provided.  

The best meeting room display solutions should be intelligent and integrate seamlessly with your calendar systems like Outlook or Exchange, letting meetings and events be displayed automatically, making the solution free of any manual updates.  

This will free up resources for front desk employees to do their job rather than helping visitors find their way, and creates a great first impression of the company – displaying an easy-to-read overview of today’s activities and helping people find their way to the event they are attending.  

With Meeting Room Displays integrated into your calendar system, this also helps employees finding empty meeting rooms, making ad-hoc meeting room bookings easier, and provides a simple and efficient overview of today's events in that particular place. It both save time and resources when booking instant meetings, and help optimize utilization on the workplace.  

With the right solution, rooms can be released automatically to ensure that “no-shows” are canceled, and the room is free for others to use.  

Would you like to learn more about the AskCody suite and how AskCody can help you win lost productivity back? Find our eBook section here:

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Allan Mørch

CEO & Founder, AskCody. Empowers organizations worldwide in creating better workplace experiences using AskCody.