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workplace efficiency

Hundreds of thousands of users at companies of all sizes use AskCody daily to book meetings, manage meetings and catering, navigate their workplace, and welcome guests and visitors.

Your entire workplace in one integrated platform

Meeting and workspace management is much more than just finding a room and booking a meeting in Outlook. AskCody is transforming your Outlook and Microsoft 365 calendar into a powerful meeting management platform empowering you, Meeting Managers, Conference Service teams, your FM-team and front-desk, to run a more efficient, connected, and well-organized workplace.



Learn more about our meeting and workspace management platform

All-in-one platform
Olympus images
The perfect match

Tailormade for corporate offices & professional services

If you are a 500-2,000 person corporate office, law firm, bank, investment firm, accounting company or a consultancy business, with 50-250 meeting rooms across a handful of locations, a couple of managed receptions and front desks, a meeting or conference center, in-house catering, hospitality and conference service, and are using modern Microsoft technology like Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams, AskCody is the perfect match and solution.


Learn more about how AskCody is your perfect match

Meetings leads to a ton of to-do's

Alone, Microsoft Outlook is just not enough. You need more...

Meetings are dynamic, and in a complex environment like corporate offices, meetings are rescheduled or edited multiple times, before taking place, sometimes in a 1-10 ratio. It’s not enough just to make scheduling in Outlook easy. That’s only the first 5% of the meeting's journey – the complexity starts after it’s planned and scheduled.
Solve meeting room and meeting management challenges with AskCody for Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft 365

Learn more about how AskCody can add value to your Microsoft tech stack

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Thank you for trusting us with your meetings

3 reasons to choose AskCody

Hundreds of customers and hundreds of thousands of users trust AskCody to solve their meeting challenges.


Improved productivity and workplace experience

AskCody is simplifying meeting management, workspace, and resource scheduling by providing employees a seamless, efficient, and user-friendly booking experience of all resources and amenities in the workplace 


Enhanced workplace identity and experience

AskCody is improving employee collaboration, communication, and the visitor experience that leads to enhanced corporate identity and workplace experience visiting the workplace, as an employee or external visitor.


Reduced cost, overhead, and corporate risk

AskCody is providing operational efficiencies, process automations, and optimizations by simplifying administrative operational tasks that limits the administrative burden making daily work life easier for facilities admins, leaders and your employees.

Loved by our users

We listen to our users’ feedback and improve AskCody continuously at a tremendous pace with new features and upgrades to our platform to ensure the best user experience.
Nora FurchnerProject Manager, Facility Management

"Working with AskCody means working with a familiar team that gives you great support. It is not only a business arrangement, it's a partnership."


Henry ChaseCIO

"My best advice is to try it. You will see quickly that the ease of use, ease of management, and overall time savings are worth it." 


Luke SchnoebelenDirector of Professional Development

"AskCody is incredibly intuitive and smart. It makes complete sense because it does what people ask."


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